Vi gjengir her en uttalelse fra Filippinenes kommunistiske parti (CPP) om våpenhvileavtalen mellom Hamas og Israel.
Det har skjedd flere viktige hendelser etter at uttalelsen ble publisert, som gjør at deler av informasjonen er utdatert. I denne omgang holder det å nevne at Israel allerede har brutt avtalen på flere områder, og at USAs president Trump har åpnet opp for etnisk rensing av Gaza som del av en «fredsløsning».
Vi velger likevel å gjengi uttalelsen, både da vi tror den vil interessere leserne våre, og da vi mener den uttrykker et prinsipielt riktig standpunkt. Våpenhvileavtalen var en seier for det palestinske folket, og et midlertidig nederlag for den sionistiske staten. Men det eneste som kan gi en varig fred, er full seier for den palestinske motstanden.
— Redaksjonen for
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People’s Army (NPA) and all the Filipino people’s revolutionary forces extend militant solidarity to the Palestinian people and their revolutionary freedom fighters, as the ceasefire agreement with Israel takes effect today.
The ceasefire agreement is a triumph for the Palestinian people who have remained firm in their resistance to the genocidal war waged by the Zionist state of Israel. We are certain that this victory will bolster the Palestinian people’s resolve to stand even more firmly and fight more fiercely in greater struggles in the future.
There is reason to celebrate the ceasefire agreement, most notably because it brings a pause to the Zionist state of Israel’s relentless aerial bombing and shelling of Gaza Strip over the past 460 days, which has resulted in the killing of more than 46,000 Palestinians, including close to 20,000 children.
The ceasefire agreement also requires Israel to withdraw its occupying forces from the population centers of the Gaza Strip. It also sets the stage for the release of more than 2,000 Palestinian political prisoners and 33 Israeli citizens held by the Palestinian forces. It will also allow for the entry of humanitarian aid, and allow the Palestinian people to return to their communities and rebuild their homes.
We join the Palestinian people in remembering and honoring all their martyrs. Their memories will forever inspire the struggle of the Palestinian people for national self-determination.
The Party congratulates the heroic fighters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other revolutionary forces of the Palestinian people. They displayed unwavering commitment to wage armed struggle against the Israeli war machine, backed by billions of dollars from the imperialist US.
Let us extol all their fighters whose bravery and brilliance in fighting secured victories for the Palestinian people on both the battlefield and negotiating table. The Palestinian people and their freedom fighters showed that no amount of terrorism by the Zionist state of Israel can break their will to fight and their determination to attain their aspiration for freedom.
We call on the Filipino people to celebrate this victory of the Palestinian people and reaffirm their commitment to support their continuing struggle for national liberation. We urge the Filipino people to stand in solidarity with all peace- and freedom-loving peoples around the world. Together, they must remain vigilant and continue to push the Zionist state of Israel to fulfill its ceasefire obligations, while also supporting the Palestinian people’s continuing resistance.
We support the Palestinian people’s demand for justice and reparation for all the death and destruction inflicted by the Israeli state. We also support the demand that Israel’s Zionist leaders be held accountable for the war crimes and crimes against humanity, and that they be brought to trial and punished accordingly.
We stand with the Palestinian people in their continuing struggle for national self-determination. The Palestinian people’s resistance for national liberation, like that of the centuries-long struggle of the Filipino people, will ultimately achieve complete victory, no matter how long it takes.
Marco Valbuena, Chief Information Officer, Communist Party of the Philippines.
January 19, 2025.
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